Finally, I am glad to announce the launch of my new book with the title Nature [‘Abstract]. The book has 88 pages, which means it contains the largest collection of my photos, yet.
The book can be ordered from here.
(more…)Finally, I am glad to announce the launch of my new book with the title Nature [‘Abstract]. The book has 88 pages, which means it contains the largest collection of my photos, yet.
The book can be ordered from here.
(more…)Yes I know, it starts to sound like the beginning of a bad habit. Still, I am happy to announce availability of my third book. The book has the title “Path to the Far North” and is sub-titled “A photographic conversation with Bashō”. This needs explaining…
The works of the famous haiku poet Matsuo Bashō have been enchanting me for a long time. Especially his travel diary oku no hosomichi (The Narrow Road to the Far North) has been my companion for many years. The character 奥 (oku, the far north, interior of Japan) can also mean inner feelings and one’s own heart. So there is an association with “path to the heart” in the title of Bashō’s text. About these two aspects of the Bashō book, as a trip to the north and to one’s inner core, I wanted to make a photography project.
(more…)In an earlier post I mentioned my upcoming exhibition in Helsinki. So if you are around here on Sept. 12 at 17h drop in at the Laterna Magica Gallery in Helsinki, Rauhankatu 7.
But earlier I also promised to tell more about the project that led to the exhibition and, in addition, I am proud to announce publication of the accompanying book. So, here we go:
The project looks at the fractal character of nature. That will say at the phenomenon that natural processes often come to similar results. While we often tend to think of fractals in connection with small regular forms like fern leaves, the principles apply also to larger forms, even landscapes. The idea to show the big in the small underlies the Japanese arts of suiseki (“bonsai” stone displays) and rock garden design and the project takes a lot of inspiration from these arts.