It is this time of the year again; not only the holiday season is approaching, it is also photography competition award season. (On a side note: why is it called “holiday”, when it is so busy – I thought holidays were a time to relax, well anyhow…)
This year, I was quite fortunate in that my work “The Wave” earned a Honorable Mention at the 17th Annual Black and White Spider Awards in category Nature. In addition, three of my other works were nominated in the categories Nature and Abstract.
It is no secret, that times have been trying for artists during the corona pandemic, but even during normal times life as an artist knows also misery and frustration. But I do remember the cold morning during the spring flood last year, when “The Wave” was made at the Myllykoski rapids of the river Vantaa. It was a moment of sheer exhilaration, the ground trembling from the force of the water and I recall the feeling that both I and the Earth are still alive.
The Spider Awards’ press releases tend a bit towards hyperbole but, with a twinkle in the eye, here is the full text:
LOS ANGELES November 27, 2022 – Professional photographer Dietmar Tallroth of Finland was presented with the 17th Annual Black and White Spider Awards Honorable Mention in the category of Nature at a prestigious Nomination & Winners Photo Show streamed Saturday, November 26, 2022.
The live online gala was attended by industry leaders and the photography community from around the globe who logged on to watch the climax of the world’s premier event for black and white photography. 17th Annual Jury members included captains of the industry from Phillips, London; Flatland Gallery, Amsterdam; DROGA5, New York; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne; Portuguese Center of Photography, Porto; A. Galerie, Paris; Hulsbosch, Sydney; Slag & RX Galleries, New York; Marlborough Gallery, New York; ADK Creative One Inc., Tokyo; Jackson Fine Art, Atlanta; Silvan Faessler Fine Art, Switzerland; Goldsmiths, University of London; Alfred Ehrhardt Foundation, Berlin; Galeria Sao Mamede, Lisbon; Galleri Ramfjord, Oslo; David Clarke, London; Chiara Badinella, Art Advisory & Appraisals, Milan; Goodby Silverstein & Partners, San Francisco; and Galerie Bugada Cargnel in Paris who honored Spider Fellows with 495 coveted title awards and 854 nominees in 33 categories.
“The bar seems to lift year on year, with this year producing the best work I’ve seen in three years of judging.” Paul Meates, Group Creative Director of DROGA5 New York commented.
Fiona van Schendel, Director of FLATLAND, Amsterdam said “I’ve found it exciting to see the differences in perspective, intent, technique between professionals and amateurs, since they were nearly absent. I did worry about cliches. Nature can be spectacular, but a photograph of nature doesn’t mean you have a spectacular photograph. Photography is not about what we see and capture. Photography is a rhizome; a nonlinear network that connects any point to any other point or as the philosopher Deleuze said ‘an image of thought’.”
Chiara Badinella, Art Advisor & Appraiser in Milan added, “Very honored to be part of the Jury for the Black & White Spider Awards. This year’s entries didn’t make my job easy.”
“It’s an incredible achievement to be selected among the best from the 6,438 entries from 69 countries we received this year” said Basil O’Brien, the awards Creative Director. “Dietmar Tallroth’s “The Wave”, an exceptional image entered in the Nature category, represents black and white photography at its finest, and we’re pleased to present him with the title of Honorable Mention.”
BLACK AND WHITE SPIDER AWARDS is the leading international award honoring excellence in black and white photography. This celebrated event shines a spotlight on the best professional and amateur photographers worldwide and honors the finest images with the highest achievements in black and white photography. www.thespiderawards.com